Event: Worcester Tornadoes vs the Quebeck Capitals
Location: Hanover Insurance Park at Fitton Field

We quickly devoured the tiny hotdog, the small soda and the even smaller bag of chips. They were not the usual size sold and were clearly purchased just for the Groupon event. The hat was even more cheap then the meal and I would call it a throw away to be honest. I was disappointed in the food and the hat.
After a terrible rendition of the Star Spangled Banner and an even worse Canadian National Anthem the game began. It started off a bit slow but once it got going it was fun to watch. We even got to see Jose Canseco go up to bat for the first time as a Tornadoes and strike out. Although his second time up to bat he hit a nice grounder and made it to first base. Even more amusing was how badly he was heckled. Each time he got up people started yelling "Juice It" which I found amusing although annoying. Let the guy play.
The Tornadoes managed to be the Capitales 5-3 although we decided with the drizzle to make it an early evening. On our way out we scored an autograph from the Twister the Tornadoes mascot.
If I were to go again and that is a big IF I would skip the Groupon for a couple reasons.
- The lower quality food was a joke and I was still hungry after eating it. So I still ended up going out to eat after the game.
- The hat was an even bigger joke and was really a waste and was a huge disappointment. I would have paid more to get a real hat.
- The reduced cost brought too many poorly behaved children to the game. The parents seems to think the game was an acceptable place for their kids to be a nuisance. I would rather pay full price at Fenway and not have to deal with someone poorly behaved obnoxious children.