
Saturday, September 20, 2014

2014 Doug Flutie 5K Training (Week 9)

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  T r a i n i n g
S t a t u s   R e p o r t
Training is on-going. So far to day I have run 28.24 total miles since I started training with only 4.61 miles this week. My average/mi this week was 8:49. For more information visit the Doug Flutie Foundation, or Doug Flutie 5k Info and Sign-up page.

Only 15 more days left until the race. That jis ust over 2 weeks so I really need to stay focused on my training.

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  R a c e   D a y  O c t o b e r   5 t h ,   2 0 1 4

9/14: Skipped running today. I can't keep doing this or I'll never be ready for October 5th

9/16: Bravo Workout: 12 stations, 2 cycles. 30s work and 20s rest x2 per cycle. Bicep Curls, Tricep Pushdowns, Burpees, KB 1/2 Swing, Side Planks, Air Dyne Bike, Seated press, Leg Extensions, Pushups with Wall Ball, Walking Lunges, Scissor Kicks, Wall Balls.

9/17:  Ran 1.41 miles in 11:51. Avg/Mi 8:23. It was a good run. I felt good never stopped running I just really need to work on my endurance now. Not too many days left until the race. I have to really push hard now.

9/18: Had to Skip my Bravo class for an all day Training Class for Oracle Learn. Oracle Learn Training was more painful. 

9/19: Ran 3.2 miles in 29.35. Avg/Mi 9:15. It was my longest run since I started training. I really needed to step up my distance and after a second loop and at 2.88 miles I pushed on to complete a 5k. If I run that pace on October 5th I will beat my 2012 time by 1minute 37 seconds. I also beat my pace by 48 seconds per mile. While it was a great run I need to keep it up since as you can see from the pace my speed dropped dramatically after mile 2. Mile 3 killed me with an average pace of 10:19.

Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Race Day

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