
Saturday, September 27, 2014

2014 Doug Flutie 5K Training (Week 10)

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  T r a i n i n g
S t a t u s   R e p o r t
Training is on-going. So far to day I have run 29.66 total miles since I started training with only 1.42 miles this week. My average/mi this week was 9:23. For more information visit the Doug Flutie Foundation, or Doug Flutie 5k Info and Sign-up page.


D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  R a c e   D a y  O c t o b e r   5 t h ,   2 0 1 4

9/21: Ran 1.42 miles in 13:20. Avg/Mi 9:23. It was a good run. After running 3.2miles on Friday I didn't want to push its too hard.

9/23: Bravo Workout: 12 stations, 2 cycles. 30s work and 20s rest x2 per cycle. Arm Extensions, Box Jumps, KB Swings, Chest Press, AirDyne Bike, Lat Pulls, Planks, Push Press, Leg Press, Situps w/MB, Wall Balls & Side Planks. It was a good workout but I shouldn't have gone for the big Box Jump. My knee felt tender but I pushed on and it is really sore now.

9/24: Woke up and my knee was very tight and hurt to put a lot of weight on it. Walked with a limp all day so I opted to not even attempt a run. It sucks getting older.

9/25: With my knee still tender but feeling much better I opted not to participate in the Bravo workout.  I might run tomorrow although plans are to go to the Big E which will mean a lot of walking so I might push my run to Saturday.

9/26: My knee is still really bothering me so I decided not to run today either. If I feel better tomorrow I will run. I did go to the Big E and that meant a lot of walking.

Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Race Day

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