
Saturday, August 16, 2014

2014 Doug Flutie 5K Training (Week 4)

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  T r a i n i n g
S t a t u s   R e p o r t
Training is on-going. So far to day I have run 13.18 total miles since I started training with 3.19 miles this week alone. My best per minute this week is 8:28. If I can maintain that pace for the entire 5K I will beat my previous time. Time is ticking and there are only 50 more days until race day.  For more information visit the Doug Flutie Foundation, or Doug Flutie 5k Info and Sign-up page

8/101.44miOffBravo1.75miBravoSkip DayOff
D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  R a c e   D a y  O c t o b e r   5 t h ,   2 0 1 4

8/10: Ran 1.44 miles in 12:13. Avg/Mi 8:28. It was a great run my shins were not happy with me today however. Thankfully there is no running until Wednesday. I did manage my fastest time so far. The temperature was also down this morning which helped significantly. All in all a great run. I just need to let my shin's rest.

8/12: Bravo Workout: 12 stations, 2 cycles. 30s work and 20s rest x2 per cycle. Decline Row, Burpees, Chest Press, Kettle Bell Squats, Rear Delt Cross, UBE, Box Jumps, Pull Ups or Seated Press, Side to Side (small box) Pushups, Planks, Wall Balls.

8/13: Ran 1.75 miles in 15:51. Avg/Mi 9:05. It poured all day and I didn't think I was going to get a run in. A co-worker of mine had indicated he would like to go running with me at lunch if the rain let up. It didn't but about 4pm it seemed to be just misting and I figured it was now or never so we went for it. It was the longest distance in a single run so far and I felt pretty good my shins felt better then they did on Sunday and I wasn't too wet when I got back.

8/14: Bravo Workout: 12 stations, 2 cycles. 30s work and 20s rest x2 per cycle. Decline Row, Burpees, Chest Press, Kettle Bell Squats, Rear Delt Cross, UBE, Box Jumps, Pull Ups or Seated Press, Side to Side (small box) Pushups, Planks, Wall Balls.

8/15: Usually I run on Friday's but I opted to spend the day with my family instead. We were up at 5:00am and didn't make it back home until 9:30pm. We spent the day up in Cape Ann at Gloucester on a Whale Watch and then enjoying the many shops in Bearskin Neck in Rockport. We all did do a lot of walking however.

Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Race Day

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