
Saturday, August 2, 2014

2014 Doug Flutie 5K Training (Week 2)

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  T r a i n i n g
S t a t u s   R e p o r t
Training is on-going. So far to day I have run 7.41 total miles since I started training with 5.9 miles this week alone. My average per minute this week is 9:37. If I can maintain that pace for the entire 5K I will beat my previous time. Time is ticking and there are only 64 more days until race day.  I did manage to recruit another person to run so our little team is up to 3 people. For more information visit the Doug Flutie Foundation, or Doug Flutie 5k Info and Sign-up page

D o u g   F l u t i e   5 K  R a c e   D a y  O c t o b e r   5 t h ,   2 0 1 4

7/27:  Ran 1.42 miles in 13:20. Avg/Mi 9:24. It was a good run. It was a little slower then my first fun but only by 6 sec/mi. my next run I am going to push myself to closer to 2 miles. I need to push myself a little harder to go a little further and a little faster. To think when I was in high school running track and field I was averaging a 6:30.

7/29: Today we didn't do the usual 12 Station Bravo Workout: Instead we opted to take our workout outside and have a more crossfit style session. It was a 20 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible).  The AMRAP included 10 wall balls, 10 KB Swings, 10 Air Squats, 10 Pushups, and a 200 meter run. in the 20 minutes. I did 7 full rounds. So that's almost a mile of running too.

7/30: Ran 1.41 miles in 13:16. Avg/Mi 9:23. It was a tough run by the end I as feeling it. I think I are too much earlier in the day and I was definitely paying for it. I am thinking I might start running in the mornings rather then after work. I definitely have more energy in the AM then I do in the PM

7/31: Another round the same as Tuesday's Crossfit style AMRAP. The AMRAP included 10 wall balls, 10 KB Swings, 10 Air Squats, 10 Pushups, and a 200 meter run. in the 20 minutes. I did 7 full rounds and made it 4/5 of round 8. The humidity had been the toughest part this week. I am looking forward to a little cooler weather.

8/1: Ran 1.42 miles in 14:18. Avg/Mi 10:06. It was a very tough run the humidity was high with the rain coming and my shins were killing me. I might take off my next training day to allow them a chance to heal.

Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Race Day

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