I don't usually pick up tchotchke's except when traveling to far away places I couldn't help but buy these two papier mâché busts of a zebra and a elephant I discovered while in Home Goods. Having traveled to Africa I have many things I brought back with me that I love and as a result I have a slight African theme to my place.
These particular treasures were not made in Africa however but they instead they were made in Haiti . having also visited Haiti as a youth with my grandmother I figured they too would blend well with my very eclectic decor.

I discovered after buying them that they are called Savannah Busts and can be purchased from Anthropologie for $68 bucks each. Picking them up for less then $50 for the pair then wasn't a bad deal. Sadly I did discover they also sell a Giraffe that I might just have to purchase and add to the collection.
** Update: November 3, 2013. While out and about I came across a black rhino made of papier mâché that I just couldn't resist adding to my collection. I had orignally planned to pick up the Giraffe but I think I am pleased with the three I now have and don't plan on adding anymore.
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