
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hawaii - Day 4 (Free Day)

Dan and I started our day enjoying breakfast on Waikiki beach before wandering to the other side of the beach to see the 'Art on the Zoo Fence'. At first I thought the artist who I was most eager to see was not going to show. I suggested we hang around for a bit while they all finish unpacking in hopes he might. To my luck the artist who I had specifically wanted to get a piece from arrived.

After a quick conversation with him and his wife while admiring all his amazing work I settled one of a boogie boarder riding a wave. His art work is all acrylic on canvas. The piece was unsigned but he gladly offered to sign it and had his paint brush out and on the canvas. After takings a few pictures with the artist and chatting about our experience thus far on the island we said our good byes and ventured back down the main drag too our hotel. We did a little more shopping along the way and picked up a few gifts for those at home.

When we got back to the hotel we rounded Chris up and I suggested we go down to Cheeseburger in paradise for lunch. Along the way we bumped into my friend Cody. After a quick hello we finally made our way to the restaurant. After a decent burger we headed back to the hotel making a few stops along the way for more gifts to bring home before retiring to enjoy our afternoon in the pool.

We decided since the pool was jammed with people and not a single lounge chair was free that we finally take a dip in the ocean off Waikiki Beach. It was refreshing and it was a blast working our way out to the sandbar where the waves were breaking and the surfer's were catching the waves. Dan and I spent a fair amount of time enjoying the experience before deciding to head back in.

It was too early to go to dinner so we decided to take a walk and venture the other direction to Fort DeRussy. Dan and I watched the sun set as we strolled along. The water. We were both getting hungry and went back to the hotel where we ordered a tomato basil pizza from Ingredients and then enjoyed our dinner on our balcony overlooking Waikiki beach.

With a early morning scheduled for the next day we all called it a night and went to be early.

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