
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Juicing 3-Day Challenge: Day 0 (Shop & Prep)

Well this is it folks! Tomorrow morning I start my 3-Day" Reboot with Joe" Juicing Challenge. I am both excited and nervous. As someone with a pretty bad sweet tooth and a distaste for being hungry this might be a struggle to finish.

To prepare I figured I should unboxed my Juicer and made sure everything was operational. I sacrificed a seedless grape. The juicer is fairly quiet as far as juicer's go but I hope I don't wake the neighbors in the morning with my juicing.

I also went grocery shopping today and picked up all the ingredients. Some were harder then others to find and I had to go to two different grocery stores to complete my shopping list. I partly blame the fact that I live in a college town and I shouldn't have been surprised to discover that all the mint was gone. I also oddly struggled to find beets. I added a few pictures below of my prepared juicer, the receipts for the roughly $70 bucks in fruits, vegies and herbs needed and a huge pile of produce I will hopefully consume over the next 3 days or 72 hours.

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