While enjoying some time with the family at the lake house I was sitting in the grass down
by the water with one of our cats and happened to notice something special. Right there in front of me was the elusive four leaf clover. It was well hidden amongst a batch of other three leaf clover.
The four leaf clover is a universally accepted symbol of good luck with its origin ages old. According to legend, Eve carried a four leaf clover from the Garden of Eden. Popular belief is that the four leaves symbolize Faith, Love, Hope & Luck.
According to Wikipedia the odds of finding a four leave clover are 1 in 10,000 and they are considered by most to bring good luck to the person who finds it.
"The clovers also occupied a position in the cultural life of early peoples. White clover (T. repens L.) in particular was held in high esteem by the early Celts of Wales as a charm against evil spirits." Clover Science and Technology". N.L. Taylor, 1985.
Druids held the 4 leaf clover in high esteem and considered them a sign of luck. In 1620, Sir John Melton wrote: "If a man walking in the fields find any four-leaved grass, he shall in a small while after find some good thing.
The mystique of the four leaf clover continues today, since finding a real four leaf clover is still a rare occurrence and omen of good luck I plan to enjoy myself and live life to the fullest. I also plan to dry it between the pages of a book and hold onto the luck as long as possible.
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