
Monday, September 24, 2012

Task 96 - Callahan State Park Take 2

(96) Go mountain biking 10 times (10/10)

Location: Callahan State Park Take 2
Distance: 2.73 Miles
Time: 32:27 Minutes
After our failed attempt at Callahan Start Park during our last visit partly as a result of the huge and exhausting climb up Pipeline Trail we decided to give it a second chance and try a different trail.  Starting from the same parkinglot off Edmands Rd we opted to go to the right down Pioneer Trail instead.

Pioneer Trail started off much smoother and had a very modest incline. The trail wasn’t very long  however and in no time we ended up on Rocky Rd Trail. This trail followed the perimeter of the park along the western boundary.  It took us about 1½ miles into the park before it began turning back and connected with Chick-a-Dee Trail.  Chick-a-Dee like Pioneer was only a ¼ mile trail and we took a right on to Slipper Trail with was about ¾ to 1 mile in length and had a sharp turn to the right. It finally met up with Coco Ridge Trail which again took us to the edge of the park before circling back and ending up at the Earthen Dam. We stopped here and I took a few panoramas and in the process fell for my first time. The sad part was I wasn’t even moving but with my feet clicked into the peddles I just didn’t have the balance to stay vertical. After brushing myself off we took off down The Earthen Dam which was a ¾ mile trip back torwards the pipeline trail and the parking lot.
This time the pipeline trail was manageable. Coming from the back side we had a good climb but the incline was far less daunting and while still a challenge we both managed to stay on our bikes. When we finally made it to the top it was nice to have headlights because the darkness had definitely set in. The decent down the steep side of the Pipeline Trail was a slow and careful process and the final ¼ mile stretch to the car was a relaxing ride.

This was a far better ride and a much more pleasurable experience  

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