
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Task 23 - Complete and Maintain my EFFAK

Task 23 - Complete and Maintain my EFFAK

The Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK) is a simple tool to help minimize the financial impact of a natural disaster, national emergency, or death. It helps people identify and organize key financial records and serves as a quick reference to their family of their most important financial documents should they become unable to take care of those things personally

I know that this sounds all doom and gloom but it is better to be organized then to not have any clue as to ones assets etc. This all came to the forefront when my grandmother first became ill. It was a scramble to figure everything out while she could still be asked about things. This lead me to want to be sure that should something happen to me that everything important is ready and that whoever will have to deal with my estate has everything they will need. MY EFFAK is 134 pages long.

The Emergency Financial First Aid Kit offers easy step-by-step instructions for how to protect personal assets and financial information, and reduce the challenges associated with emergencies, disasters & death. In 2005, the document became a registered federal government document, listed as FEMA publication #532. The Emergency Financial First Aid Kit is the first free emergency financial reconstruction and economic recovery guide for disaster victims.

There is also a companion piece to the Emergency Financial First Aid Kit , the Personal Disaster Preparedness Guide (PDPG) which will guide people through steps they can take before a disaster strikes. This I have not yet completed.

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