
Sunday, September 11, 2011

MassRemembers: September 11, 2001 - 10th Anniversary

Event:         MassRemembers 2011

Location:     Institute Park
                     Worcester, MA 01609

Date:           September 11, 2011

Who can believe that it has been 10 long years since our world was forever changed as a result of the September 11, 2001 attack and the loss of so many lives.

I think everyone can say they remember exactly where they were when it all happened. I was enroute to Maine to attend the funeral of my college roommate’s father who had died unexpectedly when the first plane hit the South Tower. I remember the day vividly as we all listen to the radio intently about the tragedy that was unfolding in NYC, Washington DC, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. We were all already in a somber mood while we comforted a friend who had just had a loss in the family while so many more people were losing loved ones.

With several wars still not over and the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden we are no closer to a safe and peaceful world then we were before. We do not let fear or uncertainty keep up from moving forward. We are a stronger nation today then we have ever been. However, today we pause as people and as a nation to remember those lost and commemorate that event in ways to help us remember. The state of Massachusetts held several such events. One of those events was the MassRemembers – Voices of Hope event. The goal of the event is to raise 1,000 voices in song to pay tribute and to honor those who lost their lives, sacrificed, and responded to the tragedy.

Many choruses including the Assabet Valley Master Singers, Blackstone Valley Community Chorus, Master Singers of Worcester, Nashoba Valley Chorale, Salisbury Singers, Sounds of Stow, Worcester Chorus and choral students from Assumption College, Clark University, Holy Cross College, WPI and the Worcester Public Schools. It also included church choirs including All Saints Church, Worcester Epworth Methodist Church, Wesley Methodist Church, Worcester’s Shrewsbury Congregational Church, First Unitarian Church, Unitarian Church of Worcester, Unitarian Church of Framingham and the Unitarian Church of Concord.

Before the choruses began to sing there was a short Parade on Humboldt Ave followed by the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner by WPD Officer Thomas Hurley. Lieutenant Governor Timothy P. Murry then gave a short speech followed but the reading of the names of each person who was a victim of September 11, 2011. Additionally representatives from various religions were given an opportunity to speak and sing. They included Christian, Jewish, and Muslim members of our community.

It was a very touching event and you could sense the mood as people quietly listened. The music was beautifully sung and I have attached a small slideshow of pictures with the music.

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