
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Task 30 – Mama Iguana's, Springfield, MA

(30) Eat in 10 New Restaurants (14/20)
Restaurant: Mama Iguana's - Killer Mexican Food

Rating: 3-Stars

They have an amazing patio and it's clear they have put some effort into the interior spaces. The artwork looks authentic and adds to the ambiance. All of that creates a trendy and well put together restaurant with lots of potential.  Offering to use the rickshaw out front to take customers back to their car after their meal is a clever touch to make the experience memorable.

Sadly the good experience ended there. With the heat we decided to sit inside and enjoy the air conditioning. There were more then a few empty tables but we were sat at the table in the corner with a light out, next to the kitchen door and employee hangout.

Reading the menu was a challage in the dark but we decided to order what we know. Dan and I both ordered the chicken and steak fajita's. While we waited for our meal we munched on the tasty tortilla chips and spicy salsa. The salsa definitely had some zing.

When the meals arrive I was disappointed with fajita sides as I am with every restaurant  One tiny cup of pico de gallo, one tiny cup of sour cream, an an even smaller amount of shredded cheese, and too few flour tortilla's then required to eat half of what's in the skillet. Unfortunately the tortillas were also clearly pre-steamed wrapped in wax paper and sitting in a heated draw.  This left them dry and crunchy.

The chicken was tasty but the prices were too large and had to be cut up to use in the small tortilla shells. The steak was also not cut small enough and a bit too fatty. The fresh peppers and onions were sauted perfectly with just the right amount of spices.

It's not mama's cooking that's for sure but a bit more time and practice I think they will have a quality product. They also need a little more employee training and to remind them they are working and not at a fraternity/sorority party. No one wants to hear them call each other with pet names.

And for the artwork they should leave the origin a mystery then leave the "made in thailand" sticker on them. I would have beleived they were authentic until I saw the tag.

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