
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Task 37 - "Faster" Movie Review

(37) Watch 26 movies. (1/26)

Movie: Faster           
Rating: 2-Stars

Faster has three main characters; Driver, Killer and Cop, each character battling their own personal addiction.

In the first five minutes Driver (Dwayne Johnson) gets out of prison, drives a bad-ass Chevelle like he stole it, and shoots a guy in the head. His actions are motivated by revenge on the people who murdered his brother and sent him to prison.

The Cop (Billy Bob Thornton) is a detective days away from retirement, a disgrace to the department, and estranged from his family because of his drug addiction.  These two would have been enough but then a third character is introduced; Killer (Oliver Jackson Cohen).

Killer’s involvement is more of a distraction then an addition to the story. Killer is a bored pretty-boy millionaire who moon lights as a hit man and can’t live without the thrill of the hunt. Killer is hired to take out Driver by the person responsible for his imprisonment and brother’s death before Driver completes his revenge.  While the movie is action packed it lacked fluidity and instead seemed choppy and incomplete.

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